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Doekit | T-C



another app for
this time of the RatCan leader's daughter

her stats are set as warrior stats


General Information ]

| Name(s) | Doekit

| Origins | 
Doe || 
Named after her mother and for her pelt coloration.

| Nickname(s) | N/A
❋ | Age | 5 moons
| Joined At | Birth (6/10)

| Birth Season | Late newleaf :6/11: | Zodiac Sign | Gemini
| Sex | Female | Gender Identity | Cisgender

| Breed |
53% Maine Coon / 17 % Cyprus / 17% Somali / 7% Norweigan Forest Cat / 6% American Shorthair

| Alliance(s) | RatClan

| Rank | Kit
| Mentor(s) | None yet

| Current Apprentice | None yet
| Previous Apprentice(s) | None yet

[ Appearance ]

| Book Description | light brown she-cat with a dark stripe down her back and white dappled flanks; yellow-green eyes

| Pelt | Doekit's coat is medium-length with long cheek tufts and fluffy tail, very soft and shiny.

| Fur Statistics |
7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Smooth
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Soft

Short :: ●●●●●●○○○○ :: Long

| Eyes | Pale yellow with light lime green highlights.
| Body Type | Doekit has a sleek, well-muscled body with soft feminine features.

| Height | Average 
| Weight | Lightweight

| Disabilities or Scars |

  • None

| Accessories |

  • ❋ none ( she does not have the collar shown in her app; i will edit it ASAP when i get my tablet!)

| Body Movement | Confident, sure-footed, and fluid.

| Scent |  Peach blossoms and vanilla.
| Voice |

[ Statistics ]

Bullet; Green Strength :: Bullet; Yellow Average :: Bullet; Red  Weakness

| Battle Statistics |
❋ 3/10 :: ●●●○○○○ ➟ Strength

❋ 4/10 :: ●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Speed

❋ 4/10 :: ●●●●○○ ➟ Attack

❋ 4/10 :: ●●●●○○ ➟ Tactics

❋ 1/10 :: ●○○○○○○ ➟ Endurance

❋ 2/10 :: ●●○○○○○ ➟ Defense

| Natural Senses |
:bulletgreen: 8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Seeing
:bulletgreen: 9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Hearing
:bulletred: 3/10 :: ●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Feeling/Touch
:bulletyellow: 6/10 :: ●●●●○○○○ ➟ Smelling

:bulletgreen: 7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Tasting

| Other Skills |
❋ :bulletred: 1/10 :: ●○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Swimming
❋ :bulletred: 1/10 :: ●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Fishing Tactics

❋ :bulletred: 3/10 :: ●●●○○○○ ➟ Patrolling Borders / Leading

❋ :bulletyellow: 5/10 :: ●●●●●○ ➟ Fighting

❋ :bulletred: 0/10 :: ○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Herb Knowledge

❋ :bulletred: 3/10 :: ●●●○○○○ ➟ Tree Climbing

❋ :bulletyellow: 5/10 :: ●●●●●○○ ➟ Night Vision

❋ :bulletyellow: 5/10 :: ●●●●●○○ ➟ Stalking

❋ :bulletred: 1/10 :: ●○○○○○○○ ➟ Rabbit Chasing

❋ :bulletred: 4/10 :: ○○○○○○ ➟ Mentoring

[ Romantic Relations ]

| Orientation | Bisexual // Demi-romantic

| Preference(s) |

  • Dilute calicos / tortoiseshell

  • Dark tabbies with white patches

  • Cats with blue eyes

  • (Although just because your cat doesn't fit here doesn't mean they won't get flirted with)

| Looking For | Bullet; Black Yes :: Bullet; WhiteNo

| Currently Attracted to |


| Previous Attractions/Relationships |

| Relationship Statistics |
9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Charisma
3/10 :: ●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Loyalty
1/10 :: ●○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Respect
9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Devotion
7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Flirtatiousness
6/10 :: ●●●●●●○○○○ ➟ Sexuality

[ Personality ]

[ Captivating || Brilliant || Individualistic || Dominating || Subjective || Machiavellian || Obsessive || Dishonest || Superficial || Unstable || Theophobic ]

Bullet; Green Positive :: Bullet; Yellow  Neutral :: Bullet; Red Negative :: Bullet; Pink Hidden

[ Captivating | :bulletgreen: | Definition: capable of attracting and holding interest; charming. ]

[ Brilliant | :bulletgreen: | Definition: exceptionally clever or talented. ]

[ Individualistic | :bulletgreen: | Definition: characterized by individualism; independent and self-reliant. ]

[ Machiavellian |
:bulletyellow: | Definition: unscrupulous, especially in politics or in advancing one's career. ]

[ Dominating |
:bulletyellow: | Definition: have a commanding influence on; offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power. ]

[ Subjective |
:bulletyellow: | Definition: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. ]

[ Dishonest | :bulletred: | Definition: behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way. ]

[ Superficial |
:bulletred: | Definition: appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely. ]

[ Obsessive |
:bulletred: | Definition: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling. ]

[ Theophobia | :bulletpink: | Definition: (of a person) afraid of a God or gods. ]

[ Unstable |

:bulletpink: | Definition: prone to psychiatric problems or sudden changes of mood.

| Personality Type |
ESTP :: Bold, Observant, Direct, Risk-Taker, Insensitive, Impatient, Defiant

[ History ]

❋ | Kithood / 0-6 moons ]

Doekit was born to a litter of five beautiful, healthy kittens; the prodigy of RatClan leader, Fawnstar, herself and her illicit romance with Pidgeonclanner, Lightpelt. Most of her earliest days were spent in the comforting darkness of their warm, protected nursery.. although, to this energetic kit, the den was anything but comfortable. She relished the crisp air of their camp, the bustling crowd of warriors and apprentices as they tended to their duties, and the sunshine. Doekit loved the sunshine.

Her mother was almost always with the fawn-colored kitten and her trope of siblings. She had relinquished all responsibility to her deputy, Hawksong, for the time being, so for Doekit, it was too easy to forget herself and the rest of Fawnstar's prodigy were held at slightly higher standards at all times. Doekit was trouble from the very beginning, but her outbursts only got worse when her mother perished..

With Fawnstar dead and her sensitive father grieving, Doekit started acting out in extreme ways.. Pranks. She loved pranks. When she wasn't performing acts of the brazen sort, getting in trouble, or bullying her siblings, she was plotting up schemes and pranks to play on the innocent. The victims were usually of her litter, although she did play with the other kits sometimes. Most were painless, simple jokes like ticks or thorns in the bed, burrs in tails, and scaring cats with fake snakes (vines, ropes, wire, etc.). Although, she once got in trouble for planting a fire ant on Snarlmaw's tail, which was painful.

She got a bit of a reception from sneaking out of camp unnoticed and being sneaky enough to track a group of apprentices through the forest during a late night adventure. Although she was ultimately punished for breaking the rules, cats complimented her on her silent steps and cautious nature on her journey. This seemed to only inflate her ego.

Aside from her mischievous acts and sometimes arrogant, stubborn behavior, RatClan knows Doekit to be an intelligent and clever molly with a taste for adventure. She has shown exceptional prowess for her early age and shows promise as a warrior of RatClan.

| Apprenticeship / 6-12 moons ]

| Warriorhood / 12-30 moons ]

| Deputy-ship / 30-33 moons ]

| Leadership / 33+ moons ]

[ Heritage ]

| Father's Side || 
father || Lightpelt || A ginger pelt with dark ginger front legs and tan back legs. Splotches of dark ginger, tan, and off-white litter the tail. Tan spots dot the back. The ears are tan and the face freckled with a combination of tan, off-white, and dark ginger. The eyes sparkle with a golden color || RatClan, formerly PidgeonClan || Alive, roleplayed by CattNaps

| Mother's Side || 
❋ mother || Fawnstar || A light brown she cat with long fur and green eyes || RatClan || Deceased (6/13)

| Siblings |

| Mate(s) |

| Kit(s) | 

[ Relationships ]

relationships can be located in a different post on your character's thread if you wish, and can be formatted however you please

Bullet; Red // Annoyed || Bullet; RedBullet; Red // Disliked || Bullet; RedBullet; RedBullet; Red // Hated

Bullet; Orange // Like || Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange // Respected || Bullet; OrangeBullet; OrangeBullet; Orange // Very respected

Bullet; Yellow // Wary || Bullet; YellowBullet; Yellow // Cautious || Bullet; YellowBullet; YellowBullet; Yellow // Avoided

Bullet; Pink // Slight crush || Bullet; PinkBullet; Pink // Crush || Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink // Obsession

Bullet; Green // Friend || Bullet; GreenBullet; Green // Good friend || Bullet; GreenBullet; GreenBullet; Green // Close friend

Bullet; Purple // Like (platonically) || Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple // Really like (platonically) || Bullet; PurpleBullet; PurpleBullet; Purple // Love (platonically)

Bullet; Blue // Wants to get to know them || Bullet; BlueBullet; Blue // Misses || Bullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; Blue // Can't bear without

Bullet; White // Not trusted || Bullet; WhiteBullet; White // Slightly suspicious || Bullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White // Very suspicious

Bullet; Black // Shy || Bullet; BlackBullet; Black // Jumpy/Nervous || Bullet; BlackBullet; BlackBullet; Black // Fearful

My Purple Bullet - F2U! // Unsure

Death // Dead
Rose // Family
Heart // Mate || purple heart bullet // Platonic love
Star! // Mentor/Apprentice


❋ Fawnstar || My One, and Only, Mother || Rose || Bullet; BlueBullet; Blue 
entry 1 || "I didn't know her very long, but with all the stories my elders tell me, it's hard to forget anything about her. She was strong, brave, and beautiful. I want to be just like her!"

❋ Lightpelt || Estranged Father || Rose || Bullet; YellowBullet; YellowBullet; Yellow || Bullet; Red
entry 1 || "I'm not sure why things changed between us when mom died. I think it was my fault, but I don't know where to begin being your little girl again."

❋ Hawkstar || Her Replacement || Bullet; Black || Bullet; Yellow || Bullet; Red
entry 1 || "My other mother; she could never fill Fawnstar's great shadow. She was our milkmaid, if nothing else. I don't think she liked my attitude very much."

❋ Stagkit || Big Brother || Rose || Bullet; GreenBullet; GreenBullet; Green
entry 1 || "Probably the only sibling I get along with. There's nothing not to like about my brother! He always acts like he's got to look out for me, cuz I'm always getting into trouble."

❋ Potatopaw || First Musketeer || Bullet; Blue || Bullet; Orange || Bullet; Green 
entry 1 || "You were the nicest apprentice to me that night we all got into trouble! I'll never forget our first adventure together. I hope we can be friends when I begin my training!"

❋ Talonpaw || Second Musketeer || Bullet; Orange || Bullet; Blue || Bullet; Green
entry 1 || "You vouched for me when Shortpaw wanted me to go home that night we found the Twoleg nest. You seem really nice and I can't wait to be your denmate! "

❋ Shortpaw || Third Musketeer || Bullet; Red || Bullet; YellowBullet; Yellow || Bullet; White
entry 1 || "The grouch. He's rude and whines too much on adventures. Why are the short ones always so short-tempered- oh. Wait."

❋ Rookpaw || || Bullet; GreenBullet; Green || Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange 
entry 1 || "He's kind of funny.. for a medicine cat! He seems to spend a lot of time with my brother lately."


entry 1 || " "

★ t r i v i a

♦ Thing || Winning competitions and daring cats to do things
❋ ♦ Smell || Her mother and father's scent, strawberries and wet flowers
♦ Food || Cold cream and rabbit
❋ ♦ Place || Warm, sunny dashboards in the junkyard
♦ Feeling || Victory and sitting atop high places
♦ Sound || Crackling autumn leaves and distant thunder
♦ Others || ---

♦ Thing || Losing, getting in trouble
♦ Smell || Wet fur, fishy smells, and Twolegs
♦ Food || Twoleg food and rats
♦ Place || Damp areas like marshes and sewers
♦ Feeling || Mud between her toes
♦ Sound || Dogs barking
♦ Others || ---

♦ Being forgotten
❋ ♦ Disappointing her mother
❋ ♦ Failing to live up to her mother's legacy

♦ Perfecting her skills
♦ Being famous
♦ Graduating top of her class


★ r o l e p l a y

(♥) yes || (★) maybe/depends || (○) no

timezone || 
EST | online between 5pm-11:30pm most weekdays

cursing || ♥
violence || ♥
gore || ♥

role play example || 
"Antlerfall wasn't sure why he'd been so lured by the border lately; perhaps it was the recent silence that kept their boundaries tense that drew him to his solitary perch. Or was it something else? An ache in his heart, a yearning.. for a feeling he'd lost long ago.

He pictured her face: they had been kids, only kids, but she was as beautiful as the sun. Nowadays when he pictured her, the image was jaded and collapsed before he could properly visualize his childhood sweetheart.

He frowned. He was beginning to forget what she looked like. As his uncharacteristically solemn, ever-watchful gaze peered across the sparkling rush of the rivulet, Antlerfall realized he hadn't felt
this gloomy in moons."

application (c) ThePotato-Queen
character (c) lycanrott
Image size
1330x897px 778.96 KB
© 2017 - 2024 lycanrott
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